Word Menu词汇表

Word Menu词汇表
cold cuts chops chitterlings chateaubriand charqui loin Canadian burger brisket braciola beefburger beef bacon syrup sweetener soup shortening shellfish sausage sauce salad poultry pate pastry pasta legume leavening flour fat dessert dairy confection condiment cereal cake beverage additive victual vittle victuals viand tucker refreshment refection ration provision nutriment nourishment morsel meal leftover foodstuff fodder fare edible cuisine comestible chow alimentation aliment wolf down wine and dine wash down tuck in swig sup snack sip set to scarf sample refect quaff put away polish off pig out peck at partake munch masticate lunch lap up inhale ingurgitate ingest imbibe gorge finish off feast on feast fall to engorge eat up eat out drink dine dig in diet cram chow down chomp chew breakfast break bread wive widowhood venter scion primogeniture pappy papoose nee NE namesake momma man-child mammy kiddie kiddy half blood godson godmother godfather goddaughter forebear flesh and blood firstborn enfant children big brother bairn youth younker younger generation upbringing unfilial unfathered transitional teenager subteen subdeb subadult stripling spoiled single parent sibling rivalry schoolgirl schoolboy restraint raise preteen prepubescent preadolescent parenting orphan only child nursemaid nonage nanny motherhood maturity latchkey child juvenile delinquency growing pains godparent godchild gifted child foster parent fosterling foster home foster filial fatherhood farm out familial duenna domestic development day nursery day care corporal punishment Christian name chore chip off childcare chaperone changeling bring up bobbysoxer biparental bedwetting bedtime story baby-sit au pair apron string allowance consent adoption adolescence wet nurse wean tyke toilet training toddler teething teether swaddling clothes suckling suckle puling preemie postpartum postnatal Pampers pacifier newborn neonatal nappy lullaby infant infancy housebreak foundling diaper dandle christening change food feeding puree whelp war baby unfertile umbilical cord triplet trimester test-tube sperm bank spawn sextuplet quintuplet quadruplet pro-life procreation pro-choice prenatal premature birth planned parenthood placenta paternity test