
similar since simply simple silver silly silk do some shopping do some cleaning do best do homework depend on day and night silence sign sightseeing sight side sick shy shut shower cut off cut down connect with compare with with come up come true come out shoulder shout show should shorts short shop shoe shirt come on come in come from come down come back catch up with catch a cold taxi tasty taste task tape tall talk take tail table ship shine shelf sheep she shark share shape shame shall by the way by air both and because of be ready to be proud of be interested in be good at be different from be able to shake several seventy seventh seventeen seven set service serve serious at the top of at the same time at the end of at the beginning of at the age of put push Russia rush run ruler rule rude rubbish row purse purple pupil punish pull public province provide round rose rope room role rocket rock robot road river proud protect proper pronunciation pronounce promise project progress programme product produce problem risk rise ring right ride rich rice review return result probably prize private print primary pride price pretty press restaurant rest research require reporter report reply repeat repair remember president present prepare prefer praise practice pound potato postman remain relaxed relax relative relationship regular regret poster postcard post possible population popular poor pool pollute pollution refuse red recycle record recently recent receive polite policeman police point poem pocket plenty pleasure reason really realise real ready read reach rapid raise pleased please playground player play plastic plant planet plane rainy raincoat rain railway radio race rabbit plan place pity pioneer pink pilot pig piece pie picture quite quiet quickly quick question queen quarter picnic pick piano physics photo phone pet