新加坡中二英语词汇Vocabulary Secondary Express 2词汇表

新加坡中二英语词汇Vocabulary Secondary Express 2词汇表
facetious hilarious farcical stroke fondle frisk pet illegal criminal suspected pierce wring prick twist tablecloth irascible amazed agog imitation overshadow overwhelm overtaken overdone councilor inspect observe survey scour discipline frenetic rabid lurid livid smirk scowl relish gloat humiliation discontented exasperated embittered arouse contend combat brawl battle shuffle trudge toddle strut confident squirm twitch wriggle twisted zip do up embarrassment gibber rambling lecture talkative sentimental oppressive evocative wallow soak sink misery self-pity befuddled confused appalled floored abuse inattentive senseless perverse immune misfortune collaborate quarrel bantering trading in the name of frustrated puzzled upset cross reappear scratch sneer scoff leer jeer tune descriptive depressed desperate desolate bespectacled bespatter besmear besotted shell oval spectacle porcelain complexion protrude elongated lengthy bulge conscious piercing shabby rugged jarring tear torn refugee tendon sinew biceps limb swoon flex bodybuilder haggard wasted faded worn out hectic marble button book hook craggy ragged jagged harsh roughly loose veteran luminous glittering vivid sequined disorganised in disarray disorderly unkempt slender scanty lanky lean sinewy disheveled irregular uneven coarse cutting sharp spiky thin thorn slouch relax droop bend circular beady petite tiny stunted steady sturdy stout get in one's way melancholic pessimistic negative cynical inspiring elegant artistic attractive graceful weather pimple freckled acne acute complaisant flamboyant flashy suave smooth talker courteous appearance
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