The Little Prince (小王子)词汇表

The Little Prince (小王子)词汇表
petal ring better arrive tear land overtake blunder blundering awkward felt railing muzzle rock arms comfort tool fallen sobbing choked darkened happy blossom continued red notice bite nowhere unique sum gentle fat between warfare same eating million growing rage white mushroom pride swell done smell gentleman red-faced breeze curl golden angry confuse together mix relentless ashamed ugly bend grease black finger actually disturb disturbed hammer knock going turn won't still saying weapon reassure naive weak resentful kind back flash complete spite upset worst left drinking water drink extremely breakdown becoming worried stuck got bolt unscrew trying busy thorn reach flower meditation silent born thankful lead thanks fifth times four forty falling twilight end step chair tiny unfortunately minute united moon noon thinking wait fond hen fourth pleasure quiet entertainment found secret bit sunset necessity urgent force inspiring beyond carrie successful simple trouble worth lesson worked knowing ever skirting watch plainly reserve run risk considerable understood moralist tone three neglected lazy means putto putti harm sometimes travel ought easy tedious youth earliest closely resemble rosebush distinguished regularly pull care greatest morning toilet own finished you've discipline piece split root bore entire spread late attend rid infest soil home terrible recognize instant soon destroy wish wherever let rose radish sprout sun upward inoffensive sprig push timid itself stretch desire darkness earth's heart deep invisible seed plant indeed assistance problem solve mental oblige self evident evident self self-evident strictly being before comment wise top put single herd castle big tree contrary pointed follow glad ah