The Little Prince (小王子)词汇表

The Little Prince (小王子)词汇表
double intoxicate intoxicated drank disaster lie character moral recollection recall desk either appoint disappoint disappointed couldn't stately real interesting mountain town river location scholar traveled pant table SAT explorer voluminous wrote ten sixth geographer blest breath breathed beside besides ridiculous scorn farther lucky unlucky you're shine sunshine stride merely seek faithful repose rapid rapidly tragedy chang changed relaxation square decorate handkerchief forehead mop respectfully truly occupation send meaning least heave lamp street lamplighter altogether mouth open conversation poetic rather key lock drawer whatever bank heaven neck scarf silk naturally recount count admin administer patent island disco yours diamond necessary peevish retort nevertheless buy different reign accurate that's dream idle bee glitter glittering realize loaf rheumatism attack eleven resound noise frightful goodness fell goose giddy fifty balderdash amuse eh phew thirty haven fifteen twelve seven cigarette arrival occupied belong businessman puzzle puzzled impregnable shut speech brought hang hanging confess confessed sorry lugubrious bottle empty collection settled plunge next tippler interest slightly intelligent rich handsome regard mean admire praise monotony exercise five entertain entertaining raised direct directed clap talking passe acclaim salut raise salute wear wearing afar admirer receive conceit conceited strange hastily ambassador sigh hesitate promptly majesty grieve thrifty occasion pardon depend condemn rat wisdom rightly oneself side turning walk tire carriage kingdom tour justice minster minister bored beginning regret eight twenty evening almanac bulky consult else inquire favorable condition government science according command forgot remind obedience revolution rise throw rest perform duty require firmly received carry drama tragic write butter