
beneficial beneath bend bench belt below belong bell believe belief being behind behaviour behavior behave behalf beginning begin beggar beg beforehand before beer beef bee bed become because beauty beautiful beat beast bearish bearer beard bear bean beach be battle battery bathroom bath bat basketball basket basis basin basic base barter barrier bargain bare barber bar banner bankruptcy bankrupt banking banker bank band banana ban ballooning balloon balance bail baggage bag badly bad backwards backward background back baby axe ax awkward awful away aware award awake await avoidable avoid aviation average avenue available autumn automobile automatic auto authority author Australian Australia aunt August auditing audience auction attractive attraction attract attorney attitude attention attendance attend attempt attack attach atom atmosphere Atlantic athlete at astronaut astonish assure assume association associate assistant assistance assist assignment assign assets settlement assets income asset account asset assessor assessment assembly assemble aspect ask aside Asian Asia ashamed ash as artist artificial article art arrive arrival arrestment arrest arrears arrangement arrange arouse around army armchair arm arise argument area architecture architect arbitrage Arabian April approximately approve approval appropriate approach appreciation appreciate appraisal appointment appoint apply applied application applicable apple appetite appearance appear appeal apology apologize apartment apart anywhere anyway anything anyone anyhow anybody any anxious anxiety anticipate ant answer another annuity annual annoy announce anniversary animal angry anger and ancient ancestor analyze analysis amuse amount amortization amongst among American America amendment ambulance ambition amaze amateur a.m. always altogether although alter also already aloud alone alms almost allow allocation all alive alike