
peace maybe tube cube probe wardrobe robe globe tribe prescribe describe subscribe ascribe bribe be crowd shrewd proud shroud cloud aloud loud mud feud bud applaud absurd sword word landlord lord afford record accord cord third bird shepherd herd haphazard hazard courtyard shipyard yard outward westward eastward straightforward forward afterward upward toward coward downward onward inward awkward backward southward northward steward reward award ward bodyguard guard mustard leopard keyboard cupboard blackboard cardboard aboard board drunkard orchard hard haggard disregard regard standard postcard discard card rod wood brood mood flood blood neighborhood brotherhood manhood livelihood likelihood childhood good food nod period method god wound astound sound surround playground underground background ground around round compound pound hound profound found redound bound refund fund beyond correspond respond pond diamond blond fond second bond wind grind remind mind color-blind blind unkind mankind kind behind hind find rescind bind overextend extend attend intend pretend tend send trend expend suspend spend depend recommend commend amend mend blend lend weekend friend comprehend legend offend defend descend ascend bend end misunderstand understand withstand stand thousand sand strand errand grand brand expand countermand command demand outland Scotland island Switzerland hinterland mainland inland highland England Ireland Iceland land shorthand farmhand beforehand secondhand behindhand hand husband band and mould should world threshold uphold withhold stronghold household hold gold unfold fold scold bold old wild build mild grandchild child weld yield wield shield field herald bald vivid liquid fluid rid stupid rapid avoid void humid timid pyramid amid solid eyelid invalid valid