
fried rice glutinous rice soybean milk salted rice boiled Fried Bread Stick to take an examination to test test to go over to revise to learn by heart to study to teach to take lessons to enroll matriculation beginning of term of school age pedagogue private tutor gym instructor gym teacher games master lab assistant laboratory assistant dean rector deputy head deputy headmaster assistant schooling teacher lecturer teaching staff school uniform fellow scholar holder of a grant fellowship grant old boy grind swot auditor schoolgirl schoolboy student pupil schoolmate classmate student body to play hooky to play truant break playtime seminar spelling mistake dictation exercise homework timetable discipline subject curriculum school holidays school day trimester term school year primary education culture office hour journal letter of recommendation dissertation thesis paper presentation project school of Arts and Sciences application form counselor mentor adviser lecturer associate professor professor coordinator consultant expert Doctor of Philosophy master bachelor associate diploma degree quiz report card semester tuition participation attendance drop out diploma commencement graduation ceremony English Evening school timetable grade score mark auditorium room and board scholarship assistantship pop test Alma Mater undergraduate alumna alumnus postgraduate educator educationist public school private school Open University graduate school key school technical school attached middle school senior high school junior high school coeducation secondary school elementary school primary school nursery school open admission adult education higher education secondary education elementary education kindergarten required course tutorial lecture orientation meeting opening ceremony enroll register headmistress headmaster principal minor major botany foreign language diplomacy library business administration chemical, engineering architecture civil engineering atomic energy journalism mass-communication finance metallurgy banking accounting anthropology politics economics astronomy agriculture social science medicine electronic engineering mechanical engineering engineering philosophy psychology linguistics sociology literature physical geography physics biochemistry chemistry biology geography geometry algebra history gymnastics science mathematics Japanese English Chinese shuttle bus concourse air-bridge control tower international terminal landing field airport domestic flight international flight regular flight name tag suitcase trunk shoulder bag travelling bag briefcase storage room trolley baggage receipt porter valuables unmade room penthouse suite cancellation tariff registration reservation double room room rate alcohol-free Anti-wrinkle treatment revitalize moisturizer lotion long lasting lipstick lip coat gentle gel toner foundation foam firm facial eyeliner eye shadow eye mask eye gel exfoliator