
industrialisation hypothesis conviction feeling notion literature sociological descriptive figurative typically literally hand over derived integrate fuse over time static stereotype prototype norm idea adhere benchmark paradigm basis movie sophisticate sweetheart soul majesty mentor due to protocol rapport entente accord vital elaborate exacting intense ardent fundraising foundation charity propitiatory devoted fervent faithful bury the hatchet skeleton hatchet poison fire bury settlement birthright legacy token mansion unexpected pass away single parent healthful unclear sibling interaction replacement temporary makeshift surrogate mother surrogate womb fertilized egg fertilise implant on behalf opt chaperone matriarch director butler elevate grandaunt great-grandfather descendant relation breed stock precious bed and breakfast caravan motel lodge on the road kitchenette housekeeper concierge bellboy courier generous promptly landscape territory realm idyll modernisation untainted rural quintessential vegetation verdant extravagant mainstream branded genius travel agency bespoke spa high-end indulge specialty boutique petite mega expectation personalise luxurious itinerary circuit route Myanmar odyssey cruise jaunt trail adventure plunge into embark immemorial primordial enfeebled quaint Quebec pilgrimage sabbatical mission whim rebound revival regatta rally yacht equilibrium tranquillity serenity nirvana beginning source origin nanometer approximately wavelength electromagnetic brilliance quantitative luminous flux employ utilise exert chamber pressure reservoir cylinder piston rod pedal brake hydraulic engineering biomedical scanning mapping cryonics revolutionise nanotechnology microbiology dwarfism genomic circulate transmit spread flow crust terminal coil induction dynamo chronometer speedometer aileron index receipt instantaneous elapse decipher calibrate predict dissect multispectral biophysics penumbra silhouette contour shade partial eclipse incandescence illumination convection overtone chisel prick meld print struck bevel bladed emulsion gouache mosaic noir substance glue opaque enamelling adorn glazing gilding assemblage installation expression imagery composition three-dimensional abstract art abstract kitsch illusive fad representation