
develop consider determination designate violate shareholder derivative deposit contamination infestation detention demurrage specification conform deliver deliberate retain sole licensee breadth definition pledgor hereafter defence collection returnable defect segregation de facto assume deem deduction decree data rescind redress damage levy customs custom movable pledge actual existing credit acceptance maturity coverage irreparable undertaking BE deemed to counterpart counteroffer dispute counterclaim cost correspondence corporation indemnify issuance relevant convertible contribution cure cross including context financing contemplate equity complete persist consultation subsequent waiver interpret derogation matter reorganization consolidation merger consideration entrust delegate extent control set forth specific in the event of conflict confirmation confidentiality confidential divulge confidence conclusion concession foregoing prejudice compute engage comprehensive creditor debtor settlement conciliation in case composition comply conformity in compliance with order enquiry principal complaint modify render deed competent tax income tax contractor compensation notice pursuant to communication commit commercial proprietary commencement force commence claimant state expiry circumstance assessable jurisdiction authority chamber certificate call board covenant ordinance guarantor by-law cyclone hurricane civil strike riot cover physical burglary burden territory promote mutually supplier calendar year budget withhold exchange broker claim terminate entitle successor breach arise loan borrower premium disclose transferee bonus domain name bona fide binding collateral establish pledgee bid perform force majeure beyond pursuant benefit beneficiary due carry on cease insolvency dissolution liquidation bankrupt adjustment statement article foreign guideline procedure balance undue influence duress defense avoid by virtue of exception occasionally available representation warranty authorize delivery execution obtain authorization material consistent authentic premise compliance verify audit attach goodwill maintain licensor association consent without assign excess case reclamation define given capital expenditure asset know-how trade name assert intellectual distribution question arrangement arbitrator