
paternal maternal innocent cope with carefree method beneficial anxiety active nervous well-educated upright motivate righteous model oral lie with lax impact environment goal extracurricular campus bookworm astray tough sympathetic willing significant access pessimistic optimistic independent harsh hardship frustrated endeavor emotion effort compassion collaborate tradition tool adversity achievement wisdom utilitarian ridiculous reinforce mold merit mentality literacy judgment intelligence instructive insight sophisticated scholarship inquisitive ingenious individuality impractical foster explore endowment distinguish discipline cultivate creative capacity behave assessment acquire academic amiable leader frailty endurable emotional discourage discrimination deep-seated conscientious competent biological ambition tenant tenement profiteering pressing plight ownership mortgage indissoluble housing dwelling apartment afford adequate vocational guidance vacancy remunerate quality on-the-job pursuit exceeding characterize curriculum aspiration adjust offset longevity life expectancy retiree conservative burden birth rate baby boom aging population unjustifiable suppression restrict equal repressive offensive obliterate obscene misinform foul express enforce encroach censorship censor talented memorial luxury legacy inspire infrastructure heritage deny cultural culture creativity civilize civilization appreciate assistance autonomous allocate aesthetic innovate untrustworthy variety quit instability imbue originality experience expertise sensitive diverse devotion responsibility candidate appealing ambitious prosper painstaking moonlight money-oriented lavish income idolize enthusiasm enrich tender distorted vocation begrudge whereabouts violate restrain privacy potential invasion intrusion infringe scabrous felony deter criminal clue camera burglarproof blackmail abuse statutory retirement pension mandatory incompetence incentive incapable impart hire enterprise ethic demographic contract constrained comprehensive chronological career aged abide undesirable rear supervise strain splash slander sensationalism sensational scrutiny scandal necessarily publicity popularity probe nose moral misleading medley libel interrupt infringement insult indecent gossip fabricate fan fame expose entertainment eliminate celebrity coverage