高级英语(上) ( 下)词汇表

高级英语(上) ( 下)词汇表
fingernail fine-tune filler fidgety fidget fervent fender felicitous featureless fateful fascist fanged falter facetious fringe Freudian freak frail formidable forbidding folder fluty flutey flute fluctuate flop flee flap fine arts extol exorbitant exodus existential exhale exasperation exasperate even out euphemism eucalyptus esthonia esculent eradicate envious entwine entrust entrepreneurial enrol engender emulate empower elude elbow elation elated effortless efficacy Eden eccentric ebb and flow ebb expenditure expend expedient exhausting exceedingly excavation exasperating eventful even evade euthanasia escapist ermine entrails enmity empathy embroider embody embitter embarrassment elusive eiderdown egoism efface dweller dwell drove drastic dribble drag up dopey domestic domain dole dogged docile dizzy divan distribution lens disposable disfigure disengage discrepant discolor disarming dip dignified differentiate diagnostic devotion devotee detest despot desolation designation deprivation dependency dent ENT deliverance deliberate del deity dehumidifier degrade defoliate defiant defective decry deceive decay decadent debilitate date dash dart dangle dally Dakota dago dabble editorialize dwindle due drudgery droop drawback draw downright dossier dormant dope domesticate divert diversion distrustful distrust distressing distortion distasteful disquiet dismissible disillusionment disharmony disagreeable disaffection diphtheria dimly diffusion differentiation dictatorial Detroit desist desensitize depth Dept depersonalization delude delectable decivilize deceased dead-end daunt dashing dashiki darky dab customary curve curtain current events cunning culminate crumbly cripple crib cretonne creed creditable credential craving cranky cramp ramp crafty covert courtship courteous corresponding coroner copper Copenhagen cop cookery contrived contrition contingent contingency contented consumptive consultation constrictor conserve conscientious conquest connoisseurship conglomerate conducive condemnation comprehension comport complacent compelling commercialize come to terms comatose clog weed clinging clamor clammy clamber civil right civilized cine cinder chop chivalry chieftain