
adapt actual actress actor activity active action act across acquire acquaintance achievement achieve ache some site solve sit solution shirt sister ship solid shine sole sir shift sink soldier shelter soil singular soft single wait for will wild wife wide why whose whom wrong whole who white whisper while whichever which whether wherever where whenever auto as for automobile as follows automatic as far as authority author as a rule Australian as a matter of fact Australia as...as... aunt apart from anything but August and so on audience allow for exhibition exhaust exert exercise executive execute excuse exclude exciting except for excite every other exchange every now and then ever since excess Even so exception except even if medium medicine medical mechanical mechanic meat measure mutual miserable meanwhile meantime means meaning mean meal me maybe may maximum realize astonish appear afford appoint American African America Africa appreciate afraid amaze a.m. affect apply affair always application advise outline out of order outcome out of date out of control out out of breath ourselves out of ours other than or so our or else ought one another otherwise once more other original when wheel wheat whatever what wet western west well welfare welcome weight weigh weep weekly week Wednesday weapon hill highway highly high hide hesitate herself hers humor hero here her hence hen helpful help hullo hello height heel result remain restrict rely reluctant restaurant religious rule regular regret register region regard refuse refrigerator reform reflection reflect reference good golden gold god goat goal go glow glove glory glorious globe glass glance glad give girl gift giant get mild modern might moderate midnight model middle mode mix microscope misunderstand microphone Mrs. mistress metre Mr. method meter mister make one's way motive