课程开发应关注儿童发展的各种要求,以下不属于儿童发展要求的是( ) 。
认为评价不应局限在评定目标达到的程度,而应该是为课程决策提供有用信息,应该为课程的改革服务。这种评价模式为( )。
CIPP评价模式的步骤不包括( ) 。
在我国新课程改革的具体目标中,下列不属于课程结构的特性的是( ) 。
《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》规定,我国中小学课程设置“科学”,开设的学段是( )。
( ) 以学生获得积极劳动体验、形成良好技术素养为主的多方面发展为目标,且以操作性学习为特征的学习领域。
When a student has made a sentence “I borrowed a paper from Miss Li”, the teacher says “Do you mean a piece of paper?” Here the teacher is playing the role of a(n)______.
What is the function of a teacher by saying “Who wants to have a try?”
In the Communicative classrooms, the teacher might be a “ _____” ---engaging in communicative activities along with students.