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  指出并纠正下面信函中介词用法的十个错误:Dear Sir:  As an accounting major planning to graduate this spring,I need to make a career decision:whether to enter an accounting firm or become an industrial accountant.  Because I am also enrolled into a business communications class and have been assigned a report,I am investigating the two accounting areas.Specifically,the purpose of my report is to compare ajob-entry position in an accounting firm with a similar position in industry to determine which is more feasible for a person with my background.The decision will be derived upon the duties,salary,working conditions, and opportunities for advancement.To determine how one position differs with the other.I have read books and periodicals,beside talking to three accountants in each area.  Between the people I have interviewed,I have discovered some conflicting ideas,I have been told that if I put forth the effort and perform like a good accountant should,I may or may not have the opportunity to become an auditor.I enrolled in accounting because my longterm goal iS tO become an auditor.  This letter is accompanied by a questionnaire and a self—addressed envelope.The number in the upper left—hand corner of the questionnaire corresponds with the name of your organization;however,I would appreciate your signing the questionnaire as well.If you are interested in receiving a synopsis of my report,please complete all of the blanks below the dotted line.If I receive your response before July 1,I shall have your synopsis to you before July 5.

  根据下面所提供的词造句:  1)Accountant;prepare;reports;committee  2)office walIs;painted;green  3)he;controller;company;many years  4)interviewer;able;Judge;character  5)convenience stores;popular;recent years  6)Mr.Levin;place;letter;desk  7)company;its representanves;a bonus  8 Jauditor;check;records;error  9)she;elect;president;General Telephone  10)secretaries;seem;confident;meet;important visitors

  阅读下面的推销信,指出信中的八个形容词使用错误,并写出正确的形式:Dear Reader:  Dinner for one or dinner for a crowd--the ARGOWARE BROILER can handle it for you with ease and convenience!  With this electrical appliance,your meat can broil or roast while you do other work.You can broil meat on the lowest level of the two level rack.  The ARGOWARE BROILER is the most compact,lighter,and easier to use than other broilers now on the market.The stainless—steel body wilt retain the heat and remove the juices from the broiler into a drip tray.  Broiled food has been found tO retain its flavor without retaining the fats that are a part 0f oven roasted meat.This most uniaue ARGOWARE BROILER is available in two sizes.The largest of the two will accommodate a 6-pound roast.

从括弧里选择正确的代词填入空内:1)If students wish to go into business upon graduation,_____must find sources of funds.(he,she,they,them,their)2)Perhaps he will organize the business with someone else;_____would then become partners.(they,their)3)Their board of directors would make_____first appearance immediately.(its,their)4)Each employee should do all_____can to help the business get started.(he,she,they)5)The manager asked the employees when_____wanted their lunch hour.(he,she,they)6)The personnel office will determine_____list of qualifications for new employees,(its,their)7)When the new stationery arrived,_____was taken immediately to the manager.(them,it,they)8)Those_____exceed the standard performance quota will be rewarded.(who,whom)9)Please find out_____card has not been punched.(whose,who)10)Neither the typist nor the file clerk completed_____work as requested.(her,his,their)

在下面各对句子中,只有一种合成形容词的使用是正确。选择正确的句子并在其后写上C:1)A.A$ 40 000一a—year salary for middle management personnel is typical in this industry.B.He made a salary of$40 000一a—year when he was a systems manager·2)A.Most states require drivers to carry no fauh insurance.B.This mistake is no—fault of mine.3)A.Present—day mortals are not acceptable to some senior citizens.B.The history of the pre~sent day will reflect these mortals.4)A.The one—way streets in this city often confuse me.B.The one—way streets in this city often confuse me.5)A.A ten—day leave was granted to Mr.Selmer.B.A leave of ten—days was granted to Mr.Selmer.6)A.His missing the bus is an every day occurrence.B.His missing the bus is an everyday occurrence.7)A.The open—door policy permits goods to enter this country with little or no import tax.B.My department chairman has an open—door,thereby welcoming faculty and students.8)A.The ready—to wear garments are in the basement.B.The garments have been cleaned and are ready—to—wear.

划出下面句子中的任何错误,并写出正确的形式。如果句子是正确的。写上C:1)No solution is more correct than yours.2)Professor Musto is the most conscientious teacher I have ever had.3)She is more conscientious than any teacher in her office.4)We were told to answer the ten last questions.5)Larry has the lllost perfect performance in the business.6)We are concerned only with your welfare and happiness.7)He merely thought you wanted one page copied.8)San Francisco is more cosmopolitan than any city in California.

选择正确的人称代词:1)A profit—sharing plan was offered to(we,us)employees in place of cost—of-living raises.2)No one made more profit in that transaction than(he,him).3)His eourkselor and(he,him)WOrked out a sehedule of classes.4)Both girls,Alicia and(she,her),will be able to work this weekend.5)(Us,We)delegates stayed in the Hotel Dupar during the conven tion.6)Miss Ferguson and(myself,I,me)received new job classifieations.7)Proposals submitted by(her and me,she and I)were considered.8)No one but my friend and(I,me)spoke up during the discussion.9)Separate planes were taken by the business manager and(I,me).10)The tragedy shocked Dr.Callihan as much as(I,me).

  为下列句子选择正确的动词,使它与主语保持一致:  1)Any one of the typists(is,are)qualified for the promotion.  2)Several of the boxes(was,were)opened.  3)All the instruments(was,were)checked for defects.  4)Nobody(know,knows)what will happen to the meeting.  5)Few of them(is,are)willing to share their good fortune.  6)None of the oil(was,were)ready for the refinery.  7)Either Mr.Babcock or Ms.Cohn(is,are)the one for the appointment.  8)Everybody(is,are)required to participate in the seminart  9)Both of the new employees(need,needs)intensive training.  10)Few of us(is,are)willing to admit we have prejudice.

  在下面这些句子中,有些名词的复数形式是错的。如果句子中没有错误,请标上C;如果句子中有错误,请标出错误的词并写出正确的复数形式:  1)The branches of a company are sometimes called suhsidiarys.  2)The shelfs of merchandise ale arranged to attract housewives.  3)Handieraft is a major source of income to some familys in Europe.  4)we received two memorandums about the boxes.  5)The plaintiffs need the services of several attornies.  6)The embargos on shipments from certain countries encourage trade with friendly nations.  7)The investment plans of ABC Company reveal unusual risks.  8)Several packages of supplys are arriving by truck today.  9)ChangeS in the curriculums have caused several crisis.  10)You must keep all your bill of sales.  11)He said he had three sister—in—laws.  12)A study of the lives of successful business people can give us a sense of the excitement of business.  13)Numerous analysis are required before a decision can be made.  14)Professor Johnson has supervised four theNs on management·  15)Politics is an interesting topic.

  在下列句子中,前半句(包括一个分词,动名词或不定式)已经给出,续写后半个句子。要注意前半句与主句主语的统一。  例:Knowing that Mr.Porter was waiting for the figu resl I hurriedly collected them,and took them to him.  1)To run efficiently,________________________  2)Having been familiar with his abilitv,____________________  3)In talking to the supervisor,________________________  4)Being tired and hungry,________________________  5)To quailty for a promotion,________________________  6)Persuaded that he wanted the facts,________________________  7)Completely satisfied,________________________________  8)Knowing office skills,________________________________  9)T0 finish the job on time,________________________  10)After answering the telephone,________________________