筛选结果 共找出15

在下列各对句子中挑选出更符合逻辑的句子:1)(a)To complete the accounting equation,one must add liabilities to equity.(b)To complete the accounting equation,it is necessary to add liabilities to equity.2)(a)Before starting the project,permission must be obtained.(b)Before starting the project,one must obtain Dermission.3)(a)Having completed twenty years of service,Mr.White was presented a gold watch.(b)Having completed twenty years of service,a gold watch was presented to Mr.White.4)(a)Sealed in an airtight box,the Joneses savored the fine cheese.(b)Scaled in an airtight box,the fine cheeSe was savored bv the Joneses.5)(a)Emilio was asked to,as soon as possibIe,record the lien due dates.(b)Emilio was asked to record the lien due dates as soon as possible.6)(a)Try to find when the meeting is scheduled.(b)Try and find when the meeting is scheduled.7)(a)We wondered about his ordering so few office supplies.(b)We wondered about him ordering so fewoffice supplies.8)(a)You may wish to,if you have time,contact your broker.(b)You may wish to contact your broker if you have time.

将下列简单句改写成一个句子,必要时加上并列连词、连词性副词或从属连词:1)Baskin.robbins needed an executive assistant.It advertised in local newspapets.It finally hired a recent graduate.The graduate had excellent skills.2)Rusty was recently hired as a word processing specialist·She will work for DuPont.DuPont is located in Wilmington,Delawaret3)Camen needed a car to drive to school and work.She bought a used car.Howeveh the used car soon needed a new transmission.This made Carmen very unhappy.4)Jerry Eichhorn recently finished his business degree.He is looking for employment in New Jersey.New Jersey is Jerry’s home·5)Vicki started working in the mail room at Sunkist.She hopes eventually to work into management·

改进下列缺乏统一连贯性的句子:1)We are installing a centralized dictation system,and our current transcription production is days behind schedule.2)The keynote speaker will be Dr.Jay Cook,and vendors will display their products following the keynote address.3)We have placed a lien against your property and your payment is 60 days past due,which explains the lien.4)We are one of the nation’s largest office products distributors,and you can save 15 to 50 percent on your word processing supplies for your office which we supply to our 260 000 customers who are satisfied from coast to coast beeause we have been in business for the past twenty years satisfying our customers.

下列句子中的低效短语已加粗,提出一个有效的替代词或短语:1)In view of the fact that you have not responded tO our letters,we have no alternative.2)We must at the present time send your account to our colicction agency·3)Due to the fact that a strike has temporarily closed our factory,deliveries are delayed.4)We find it necessary to inform all customers with regard to delivery delays.5)In the event that you are unable to attend,please notify us at once.6)We have received your check in the amount of $450.7)In spite of the fact that production costs are rising we have tried to maintain our current pricing schedule.8)We find that we must at this point in time reconsider our prices9)For the purpose of more efficient record—keeping,we will begm writing invoices in triplicate.10)If the estimate is in the neighborhood of $100 or less,the repair can be made immediately.

找出下列句子中使用不当的部分:1)Please complete the enclosed questionnaire sent to typical families concerning detergent preferences.2)Our new billing system totals all balances,gives weekly reports, and statements are printed.3)Centralized inspection in one area and floor inspection along the assembly line improve product quality;it is useful when precise stalldards are met.4)Automatic cash transfers can be made only on the written authority of the customer from a cheking account.5)The three basic elements of a computer are input,processor,and output units,which can be obtained in a variety of configuration.6)The next time you travel for business or for pleasure,charge everything to your credit card in the United States.7)Aluminum construction is lightest,wood is cheapest.and the strongest is steel.8)Our objectives are to make our stock profitable,to operate efficiently,and developing good employee relations.

辨别下列句子是并列句、复合句还是并列一复合句:1)Merchants are stocking expensive dolls because they think the demand for them will be larger than last year.( )2)Your credit card allows you to charge purchases,but you must pay your account at the end of the month.( )3)While it is not mandatory,you should talk to your supervisor first; and if you want a second opinion,you can take the matter up with the personnel department.( )4)The television set that I ordered two months ago arrived today badly damaged.( )5)Keep the windows closed and the door shut at all times.( )6)Myra Hecher,who is a vice president of our company.knows several computer languages.( )

改写下列句子,删去多余的部分:1)Her solution made absolutely perfect sense.2)Tim’s report appears to contain all the basic essentials.3)Our modem office equipment is up—to-date in every feature.4)Any pages with corrections that are visible to the eye must be retyped.5)In an explanation at the beginning of the article,the author explained his position.

找出下列各个句子中的从句:1)When you interview an applicant for a job,you should deseribe the job requirements.2)Tom Mcllory,who is a graduate of Stanford University,will be assigned to the plant in Waco,Texas.3)Before you sign the contract,you should show it to your attorney; and if no questions arise,sign and return it as soon as possine, 4)When you telephone New York City after January 1,be sure to check the area code because there fire now two for the city,212 and 718.5)The Volvo that is painted red sells for$14 000.6)If changes in procedures are explained to all employees the company should run more smoothly.

改写下列句子中不平行的部分:1)The job description lists these duties:answering the telephone, making appointments,and data must be collected for reports.2)This department requires more personnel,better facilities,and our equipment should be up—to-date.3)Any person may recover damages from the manufacturer of a produet who is injured by a product.4)Since we installed insulation,we have saved up to 25 percent on our beating costs in our attic and walls.5)She suggested that we try a four-day work week on an experimental basis for one month.That received considerable employee support.6)Our equipment is outmoded,production is costly,and orders are stow,which is why we are forced to cut back.7)Speeding down the highway.the brakes were suddenly applied.8)First and foremost,you must reserve a meeting room.9)All reports must be complete.concise,and written with accuracy.10)Our benefit package is appealing tO older employees with both dental and vision care services.11)In my personal opinion,I think that the price we’ll have to pay for the trucks is too expensive.12)Vacation days taken by your employees are to be reported monthly not later than the tenth day of each month.13)We are asking that you take。good look at this report and notify us of any changes you want to make.14)In this day and age,the skill of communicating effectively is an important skill to have in business.15)It is to be expected that your performance will improve in the coming year.16)We are in receipt of your check in the amount of$50;pursuant to your request,we have sent the software manual under separate cover.

把下列词和短语组合成完整而符合逻辑的句子:1)we/to hold all shipments/do not know/a direetive/have received/I/ although/why/2)in your recent letter/the warranty/for repair/refer to/covers/that/only merchandise/you/to our shop/brought/3)only/who/merit reward/a secretary/joined our staft/received/two months ago/this month’s/4)make a deeision/carefully/our/before/consider/you/strained/financial condition/5)the address list/complete the mailing/in order that/quickly/ the computer/we may/has been entered into/6)correctly/may be made/if/no/additional/I/the stipulations/from the revolving fund/understand/payments/7)the negotiating parties/as scheduled/wonded an agreement/ig can reach/I/ on quotas/8)are available/in the coming fiscal year,we hope/enough funds/our employee recreation program/provided/to expand/9)also/the order/the initial calculations/the clerk/and/receives/ sets the prices/whot makes/lO)to find out/the sales representative/is performing/how wen/is eager/ the promotion team/